FREE Puppy Social
Join us for our FREE Puppy Social on July 27th at our Niles and Kalamazoo Area Locations
Join us for our FREE Puppy Social on July 27th at our Niles and Kalamazoo Area Locations
Join us for daycare at our Niles and Kalamazoo Area locations on July 24th, as we celebrate all of the July Bark-day and Gotcha days! Each pup celebrating their special day will go home with a special photo and yummy bark-day treat. This paw-ty is only $13.95 in addition to the daycare rate.
There's some-fin special about this paw-ty! Join the fun on Friday, July 19th, for our Shark Week Paw-ty. These pups will have a blast identifying all the different shark breeds, surfing in the splash pools, and enjoying shark chum snacks! To make this day extra special, each pup will go home with a fin-tastic photo […]